4th of July
July 4th, 1776. The Declaration of Independence was just signed by a group of people who desired freedom from the tyrannies that constricted them. They believed in freedom as a right of the people, a way of life. They held a vision of what could be and they knew it would take bold action to attain it. They didn’t have the details all worked out and they didn’t know every step they would need to take. But they knew it would never be if they did nothing, so they took the first step - the Declaration.
Being free is an innate part of our beingness, the natural state of our body-mind-spirit energy. We instinctively know this, and other freedoms we desire stem from that innate natural state. Freedom in our bodies to easily move and feel good. Freedom in our minds to enjoy life without “shoulds” and “ought to’s”, to explore and develop new ideas, and be creative. Freedom in spirit to live our lives the way we want to, to pursue our desires, follow our hearts. Freedom in any form is because it is who we are, energetically.
Picture a wide mountain stream flowing smoothly and effortlessly. It flows where it wants to without constriction. There is great power within its current, yet it flows gently and easily. Our natural energy is like that. Flowing gently and easily through us, it allows us to live and move and be without constriction. It is free. That’s what wellness is - freedom in body, mind and spirit from constrictions that slow or stop our natural flow of energy.
Yet, most of us, just by living our lives, have constrictions in our energy flow. The foods we eat, the air we breathe, even the thoughts we think can hinder the freedom of our energy. As a result, we may feel discomfort or develop illness, feel sluggish or uninspired - or experience a host of other symptoms or complaints.
How about you? How free is your energy stream? What is your vision of what it could be? Your idea for a different way of life? You don’t need to have the details all worked out or know every step you will need to take to have it. You just need to take the first step.
So, this 4th of July, be bold. Make your own declaration. Declare freedom in your energy – declare your wellness. Go ahead, write it down. Sign it.
You’ll have every reason to celebrate!
Self Help Tip: To promote general well-being, simply hold your hands together, palms touching. Or gently place the fingers of one hand in the palm of the other hand. Hold for 3-5 minutes, or as long as you like, whenever you like.