
"Where to begin?  Meeting Nancy Steele and experiencing Jin Shin Jyutsu changed my life!  I know that is a vague statement, but it is true...I call it my psychotherapy without all the 'yackety-yak"!  Jin Shin Jyutsu requires so little of me.  I show up and relax!  I talk if I want, I sleep if I want.  There are no rules!

The description "accupuncture without needles" is accurate and comforting.  You get all the energy clearing benefits without the discomfort!

For me it has been a journey inward...during each session layers of physical and emotional "yuck" are removed.  For the first time in 30 years I feel comfortable and alive in my own flesh...I can be who I want, say how I feel, and do anything without fears!  The best part of all is that I am able to dream...dream and execute anything that I can possibly imagine!  I am able to work through my fear and doubt without fear and doubt...I know that I am capable.

Nancy is a highly qualified Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner.  She cares for each client with compassion, kindness and professionalism...the day I walked into 152 Nutrition and Nancy happened to be there is a day I will never forget...it was a "fork in the road" day for me and I went the right way!

Thank you Nancy!!" Jamie Urton


in response to a Self Help tip:  "Nancy, that was awesome!  It totally worked!  Amazing, after a minute I was so relaxed.  I'm definitely gonna do that more often!  Thank you."  Dena O'Hare Winkley  

"I have been to see Nancy for Jin Shin Jyutsu and the experience and results afterward have been nothing short of amazing.  Nancy is very caring as she works on me and her intuition is spot on.  I have experienced profound peace both during and after the treatments.  I feel her work has helped me move forward emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I have also experienced the release of physical ailments after a treatment with Nancy.  Nancy...you are incredible at what you do!!!!!  Love you lots." Kelly Murphy-Boulé


"I must admit I was surprised most by my work with Nancy. Her focus on balancing my energy seemed like a bit of woo-woo to me at first, but I was willing to keep an open mind. I can’t argue with the results, though. I used to come home from work and turn on the TV, climb into the recliner, and collapse there for hours. Now I have so much more energy. I watch less than one hour of TV in the evenings, and I now have time and energy to indulge in doing my hobbies, walking, socializing, and working around the house. Thanks to Nancy, I have my weekends back! I was doing all my housework on Saturdays, and it would take forever to make my way around the house. Now I am able to get everything done during the week, so when quitting time rolls around on the last day of the workweek, I truly have a break. I feel better, too. My body feels more in tune with itself. Truthfully, it still feels a bit like woo-woo to me, but I’m a believer now." C.U.

"That's the first time I have felt my legs in a long time. I seriously thought about not ever getting up from the table." J.S.