Groundhog Day - A "2nd" Choice

We are all familiar with the folklore of Groundhog Day. Legend tells us that on February 2nd Mr. Groundhog emerges from hibernation and tentatively pokes his head out of his burrow as if testing the waters before diving into a strange pool. We anxiously await his next move as he appears and either sees his shadow or not. If he does, he returns to his burrow and we endure six more weeks of winter. If not, we are sure to have an early spring and he remains above ground.

I have always been a bit mystified by this story because it seems backward. As a sun-loving individual, if I were to emerge from hibernation and be greeted by bright rays of the sun, I would surely stay and revel in its warmth, whereas a lack of sun would most certainly encourage me to return to sleep. But, then, the important thing to Mr. Groundhog is not the sun, but his shadow. Mr. Groundhog is afraid of his shadow. Rather than embrace the warmth and light of the sun, he focuses on his shadow and allows his fear to determine his action.

It reminds me of this famous quote of Marianne Williamson:  

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. 

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."

Like Mr. Groundhog, we often would rather retreat than allow ourselves to be in the spotlight, or shine our own light. When we fear the shadow side of ourselves so much that we cannot turn around and say yes to the light, we keep ourselves hidden. It’s as if our potential and greatness stay in hibernation. 

We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? 

Actually, who are you not to be?”

In what ways are you hibernating? Are you ready to face the light? Be the light? Imagine turning your face toward the sun, feeling its warmth and seeing how it brightens the world around you. Now, recognize that you have such a light within you and see yourself letting it shine, its warmth touching others and brightening their world.

 “It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

So, Mr. Groundhog, how ‘bout it? Let’s be bold, make a "2nd" choice. Let’s emerge from our dark hibernation, turn our backs on any shadow we perceive, and bask in the greatness we are. Let’s have an early spring!

Self-Help Tip:  To help you turn around and boldly shine your light, hold your little finger. This promotes authenticity - knowing who you are. You may also hold your index finger which helps with feelings of fear. Just gently wrap the fingers of one hand around the little or index finger of the other hand and hold for as long as you like, as often as you like.