Self Improvement

Nature is all about change – the seasons, day to night to day, growth and aging, birth and death and new life and decay. It is a continual process of transformation – an ever-evolving journey.

So it is with us. And, because we have the power of choice, we may choose to enhance our journey by transforming and renewing ourselves in positive ways -- that is, in the direction of growth. At the same time, we let go of what is old, allowing it to decay or fall away from our experience.

As a lifelong journey, the road of self improvement is not one that every person consciously chooses, but those that do are rewarded with a special richness in their lives. Listening to a speaker, taking a class, reading a book, trying out new ideas, new methods, new techniques, each encounter broadens our perspective, teaches us, grows us – and that’s the whole idea.

Within the physio-philosophy of Jin Shin Jyutsu, self improvement is...

Our personal journey in the art of 

trusting and loving ourselves and others,

letting go of what we no longer need,

and allowing joy to fill our lives

that we may be who we truly are.

Taking a closer look, self improvement is moving ourselves toward a state of…

Trust - We accept this world of form in which we live, its boundaries and limitations. We fill it with our energy and feel at home in our bodies and on this planet. We are secure and easily bring forth what we desire.

Love - Our awareness of who we are embraces our uniqueness as well as our sameness, and enfolds others within this same understanding. We have a deep inner agreement with whatever is happening. We are independent from outer circumstances. We listen within and reflect the deeper rhythm and flow of life.

Letting Go - We go with the flow, living life as it happens, in the moment. We align with the question rather than the answer, and are always moving, growing, and expanding as we bridge between the unmanifest and manifest.

Joy - We know that everything is connected and there is no separation. We see beauty within ourselves and in our world and those around us. We are balanced in our expression of spirit, mind and body, and adept in harmonious giving and taking.

Being authentic - We know who we are and are comfortable expressing our nature and serving life.

These five positive aspects may be enhanced by harmonizing our spirit-mind-body energy, and the easiest Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help practice we can do is to hold our fingers. By holding our thumb, we promote Trust, our index finger – Love, middle finger – Letting Go, ring finger – Joy, and little finger – Being authentic. 

I think of Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help as the ultimate DIY in spirit-mind-body self improvement. With these and other Self Help practices, we truly have ‘the whole world in our hands’.


Self-Help Tip:   "Hold" your fingers by simply wrapping the fingers of one hand gently around a single finger of the other hand, without squeezing or pressing.  Hold for 3-5 minutes (or as long as you choose).